Tuesday 14 October 2008

Target audience for my perfume advert

In order to create a good and effective perfume advert, i need to chose a suitable target audience to ensure that my advert appeals to them.

I have decided to focus on C1 and C2 in the demogrpahic classification of audience, as this makes up 49% of the population, meaning it would attract alot of people; there would be more sales of my perfume. I also think that this group of lower middle class and skilled manual workers would be nice to make an advert for.

I think my target audience will also be mainstreamers/social climbers, meaning that they seek conformity, but want to manage to get a higher status using the things they buy/use to aid them with this. This will mean I will need to make my advert quite stereotypical, but also appealing.

For my 'insight social value group' i have chosen to target esteem seekers and strivers, which means they will be materialistic and focused on image and status. To make my advert target these groups, i will need to make sure that the advert makes the perfume look like a symbol of success, whilst using something traditional to appeal to the strivers.

I have decided that the target group will probably be driven by Physiological things, eg sex, and also sexual intimacy - Love/Belonging. The group may also be affected by Esteem, as they are trying to gain the respect of others. In general, the advert I create will need to involve some feeling of sex/sexual intimacy to appeal to the group.

1 comment:

mw said...

Good work ... although you 'identify' your target audience rather than 'choose'. Just expression as you have identified well. 'I also think that this group of lower middle class and skilled manual workers would be nice to make an advert for.' Not sure about this comment although previously I agree with comment that you were aiming for a large auidence in C1&2 category.