Thursday 25 September 2008

first thoughts on thrillers (No Country for Old Men and Vertigo)

Over the past few weeks, i have been looking at the thriller genre in media lessons and at home. So far, i have enjoyed watching thriller films, despite them being a genre i have never looked into before, and am starting to understand more of the thriller signifiers; such as spiralling staircases to mirror the spiralling narrative, themes of corruption and mystery, and flawed heroes.

Up to now, I have watched films including 'No Country For Old Men', 'The Silence Of The Lambs', 'The Black Dahlia', 'China Town' and Hitchcock's 'Vertigo' and 'Psycho'. I have noted many similarities within the films which are definate thriller signifiers, including the twisting narratives, use of bleak and urban settings, femme fatales, corruption, and rain and shadows. I have noticed that there is also alot of enclosed spaces and claustrophobia included.

In 'No Country For Old Men' I found the setting highly effective for the thriller genre. Although it was set in a bleak desert, claustrophobia was created in the emptiness and loneliness of it. The dark clouds add a mysterious atmosphere, and the dark silhouette of the mountains contrasts with the bright light in the centre of the shot, which draws attention to the man and his car, highlighting how alone he is, adding to the tension and mystery. ( image from:

Another thriller film I found very effective was 'Vertigo', directed by Hitchcock. The film begins with a spiral over a black background, which straight away indicates the film will include a spiralling thriller narrative. This shot shows the signifier of wide open space, creating the idea of loneliness, and also shows a hero, and a femme fatale. Not only this, but the sky is full of clouds, creating darker lighting.

From watching these thrillers i am trying to get some inspiration for my own opening of a thriller. So far, I'm thinking of using urban settings, typical of thrillers, and starting with a chase or at least alot of action, like the beginning of 'Vertigo'. I think i may try and get in the idea of shots down a spiral staircase like in 'Vertigo' to mirror the twisting narrative and all the layers of it.


vmb said...

Great posting of stills.

Ms Barton

clhcns said...

Good ideas Nena. It's good to see you engaging with the thriller genre. Try to use more specialist terms and more in-depth close analysis. Perhaps include film stills too - and analyse them. Also - can you change the settings on your blog so that comments don't have to be 'moderated'

clhcns said...

Nena - I'd like to see you updating your blog more regularly with work on thrillers.