Thursday 15 January 2009

Progress Made on Our Thriller

Alot of progress has been made on our thriller, as we rapidly changed from one idea to another and had to repeat the whole process. We quickly location scouted and discovered an urban block of flats which are very modern and symmetrical, and which suit the style of our thriller completely. During this process we also quickly discovered two much more reliable actors - Guy and Mary, who both have drama experience and who would co-operate and stay focused.

After re-planning our new thriller, we started filming. We concentrated alot more on establishing shots and mise en scene, using generic thriller signifiers including spiral staircases and a white van. We had two filming sessions with our actor and actress and one alone in order to create good focused shots. In general, the shooting went well and we achieved alot in the sessions.

Once we were happy with the shots that we had collected, we recorded our voice-over. We decided to have a female voice as the narrator, despite the female character being a femme fatale. We felt that this would go better with our shots and opening in general, and wrote the script as follows : 'It wasn't the first time I've got mixed up in a deal like this. For some reason something went wrong, and the rest is kind of a blur. All I remember is those flats and being carted away in that white van. Everyday I find myself walking back there, hoping that somehow I can change what happened.' We chose to keep the speech simple, and intend to separate it into sections to fit with relevant parts of the film.

As well as adding the voice over, we have chosen a break beat piece of music to add to it during editing. So far we have made great progress with our editing. We have changed the colour scheme to black and white in order to reflect chirascuro lighting and to give it a thriller-ish feel, whilst appearing more stylish. We have also used both fast and slow paced editing where necessary to create the desired feel. We interspersed the chase scene with clips of the femme fatale walking, to suggest a spiralling narrative, full of flash backs and intrigue. We have begun to add the credits along the bottom left of the film. We intend to add the final touches of the film title at the end and minor tweaks as soon as possible.

We have also decided on a name - "Iniquity", which means, according to 'Google' definitions - "Gross immorality or injustice, wickedness. Often interchangeable with the noun, “sin”". We felt this was a fitting, and catchy name for our thriller.

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